What is a drive-through espresso stand?

As a primer on the subject of drive-through espresso stands, let us consider a very typical stand.
They are constructed on a small lot, sometimes exclusively, sometimes sharing the lot of a gas station, convenience store, auto repair shop, or just about any type of business. Whether or not they share their lot with another business, they are small buildings. Afterall, they are usually only making coffee in there. They have a catchy little name such as Jittery Java, Cool Beans, or Joe on the Go. They have one or two windows with large sills that support a tip jar and perhaps a display case with muffins or scones. Inside you will see one or two smiling baristas who spend their day making double-talls and nonfat-mocha-no-whips. More often that not, the baristas are attractive young ladies--I haven't figured out why.
There are many variations on all this, of course, which more or less explains the fascination I have. They are all quite unique!
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