Driven to Espresso: Drive-through Coffee Stands in the Northwest

If you think coffee culture is cool, you have come to the right place. I have loads of information and opinions to share about espresso in the Pacific Northwest, especially the drive-through phenomenon.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Free shipping! Order now!

For the time being, I am not charging for shipping when you order Driven to Espresso at my website. Go to and use the Order button. I will ship First Class anywhere in the USA for free!
If you didn't already give Driven to Espresso to someone as a Christmas present... well, I guess it's too late. But go ahead and get a copy for yourself.
This offer of free shipping will last for a limited time only.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Look inside and flip the pages

One of the cool features on the 1 by 1 Publishing website for Driven to Espresso is the page that lets you look inside at some of the pages. When you click any of the page thumbnails on the right side of the Inside page, you will be able to "turn the pages" with your mouse and see several actual pages from the book. Try it!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Not everyone likes coffee, I guess

Back in the heyday of English coffeehouses--back around 1674--women got a little ticked off that their husbands drank coffee all day. If women were actually allowed to hang out with them at the coffeehouses, they may not have been so harsh, but that was before women were thought of as, well, you know, human beings. 

A group of women wrote a little thing called "The Women's Petition Against Coffee." It is quite long and detailed as to what they found disagreeable. As near as I can tell from the following quote, one of the greatest offenses was that the men were not "as effective" in bed (if you know what I mean):

"The Occasion of which Insufferable Disaster, after a furious Enquiry, and Discussion of the Point by the Learned of the Faculty, we can Attribute to nothing more than the Excessive use of that Newfangled, Abominable, Heathenish Liquor called COFFEE, which Riffling Nature of her Choicest Treasures, and Drying up the Radical Moisture, has so Eunucht our Husbands, and Cripple our more kind Gallants, that they are become as Impotent as Age, and as unfruitful as those Desarts whence that unhappy Berry is said to be brought."

They also came up with one of the most negative descriptions of coffee I've ever heard:

"...a little base, black, thick, nasty, bitter, stinking nauseous puddle water."