Driven to Espresso: Drive-through Coffee Stands in the Northwest

If you think coffee culture is cool, you have come to the right place. I have loads of information and opinions to share about espresso in the Pacific Northwest, especially the drive-through phenomenon.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Barnes & Noble at Northgate

Well, I'm jazzed! I have to share this.

I heard from the receptionist at my dentist's office that she saw Driven to Espresso at the Starbucks inside the Barnes & Noble at Northgate. I didn't know there was even any copies at that store, let alone at the Starbucks counter. What an awesome exposure for my book, and not even my idea. I had showed the book to the manager at B&N and he wanted to carry the book, but I didn't know they had ordered it.

It turns out they actually have 5 copies in the store, and now and then the manager tries a different location for it to get attention. Yay! While I was there talking to a manager, she asked me to sign the copies they have, so now there are 5 copies of the book with little stickers on the covers that say Autographed Copy. Very cool.

Thanks, Barnes & Noble!


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