Driven to Espresso: Drive-through Coffee Stands in the Northwest

If you think coffee culture is cool, you have come to the right place. I have loads of information and opinions to share about espresso in the Pacific Northwest, especially the drive-through phenomenon.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Thank you Gourmet Latte!

I was at a coffee stand taking a photo of myself for the back flap of my book (this one), and wound up talking on the phone and then through email with the stand owner about my book. She gave me such a great reaction to the book, I thought I'd share it with you. Here is what Karissa, who owns Gourmet Latte (picture on page 2 of my book) had to say:

"Wow Ray. You just did a fantastic job. I looked though the entire book. Something I almost never do, honestly. It was easy and interesting; just how a table top book should be. Nice little tid bits to think about. The photography is phenomenal. An eclectic mix for sure. You really did it. You captured it. 

On a side note, love how you make the readers aware of the small business person's heart and struggle. It's really a business for those who are in love with the idea/concept of being connected with their customers and being their own boss."


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